TNS Canadian Fact (2009), « Quantitative study of attitures toward Camping, recreation and parks among Canada’s immigrant population »

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Résumé / Summary : The composition of the Canadian population is changing rapidly with baby boomers approaching retirement and immigration primarily driving population growth. More than 200,000 immigrants move to Canada each year currently, up from an average of 125,000 annually during the 1980s. Immigration is an increasingly important component of net population growth in Canada. According to Statistics Canada, immigration represents close to 70% of current population growth, up dramatically from the mid 1970s when less than 20% of population growth was attributable to immigration.

The make-up of Canada’s immigrants has also changed in recent years with the majority coming from Asia rather than Europe. The top origin countries among Canadian immigrants between 2001 and 2006 were China (155,000), India (129,000) and the Philippines (78,000). Eighty percent of all recent immigrants choose to settle in Canada’s five largest urban centres. The changing make-up of the Canadian population, particularly in urban areas, impacts many government services including parks and recreation. Statistics from across Canada show park visitation is holding steady or is on the decline. Thus, encouraging new Canadians to visit parks and wilderness areas is a focus for the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT), Tourism BC, and Ontario Parks (referred to the Partners in this report). These organizations funded a qualitative study, “Exploring Attitudes toward Camping, Recreation, and Parks among Canada’s Growing Immigrant Population – Phase 1” in 2008. This research provided valuable insights into immigrants’ attitudes about camping, recreation, and parks.

Mots-clefs / Keywords :

Auteurs / Authors : TNS Canadian Facts

Année : 2009

Références / References : TNS Canadian Fact (2009), « Quantitative study of attitures toward Camping, recreation and parks among Canada »s immigrant population », Government of the NWT Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment – Tourism Division and Partners – R1432/MA/DG

Sources / Lien / Link infocanada@tns-global.com

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